Manipulated By Secret Elite
Everything you’ve been taught is a lie and you are currently being manipulated by secret elite. It is utterly better to think beyond things we’ve learnt in school, things we’ve seen on TV, what we’ve heard on radio and or things we’ve been told and taught to believe. It is not often we get to think for ourselves when we are frequently been fed with lies, opinions and news. We are not mentally awakened to notice or estimate the capacity of danger that storms this world.
We are slaves to the system they control. It is this same system we fight to protect and are helplessly and hopelessly depend on. The fear and terror spread through the media is owned by people at the very top of society. They are called Illuminati and they are wildly secretive group of people who are occult practitioners. They’ve been around for thousands and thousands of years. Illuminati are a well-structured society and consists people in an “extremely high place”. They are wealthy and stand above the law. They own oil-business, international banks, trade and most powerful business. Illuminati own and control the government. They decided who wins the election for presidency and run drug trade.
Their goal is to create a one world government, a new world order. With their boundless agendas they will control this world and the mass into slavery. These people are extremely Satanists and practice black magic.
This world is run by magic; however, magic was not supposed to exist on earth. Illuminati control the mass through movies, music, and art and in many variety form of entertainment. They own and control the movie industry and record companies. Through that they influence how society be duty bound to accept their own kind of reality. Illuminati use music and movies for mind controlling and Satanism has always been promoted through that.
Whoever yearns to help them spread their message is rewarded with high sales, deals and is heavily promoted. Satanic Movies such as E.T have been made in order to prepare us for the days to come. The top leaders of Illuminati are not humans but some demonic forces. They are in charge of all secret societies. They have given us knowledge and we are easily fooled to believe it is all good. Knowledge is like a sword with two sharp edges. While it serves in the form of good by bringing and giving us technological inventions, it also created a greatest superior destruction of the world and each other.
All of the forbidden knowledge we are taught and are fed everyday is leading us into a very dangerous path. With knowledge they’d mastered in creating technology they use to control and dominate society. The greatest destruction with gaining knowledge is that we lose our connection with the creator. It is not always a new thing when we hear and read about scientists denying god’s existence or questioning his creations. Science is slowly replacing god and religion because science can explain anything, given a convincing reason and knowledge. Knowledge is limited, because if you think you know everything you put yourself in the place of god and you’d deny him. It was because of Eve and Adam gaining knowledge from the tree they’d mistakenly eat after being tempted by Satan—humans had fallen from grace.
This is definitely what’s wrong with the Illuminati; they see themselves above the creator.
The members of this very society are promised with the greatest knowledge from the so-called aliens, who are the real force behind the society. Of course, they are not aliens or from a different dimension; they are demons and Satan. Illuminati use different names in order to keep their identity a secret. World War I and World War II were a fail attempt to take over and afterward the UN was created and its purpose was to “Safeguard the peace” so the world will not be confronted with another world war again. UN is actually an organization for the Illuminati, its true purpose it to unite the world into one. Their plan was to create a problem (war), Reaction (people’s disapproval of the war) and then solution (the UN). With this system humans are betrayed beyond their understanding. It is a strategy called Problem-Reaction-solution. Even Adolf Hitler used Zion (Illuminati) protocols/rules to blame Jews for everything. A perfect example is when they purposely created galloping inflation, the international bank have succeeded into pushing the population to believe that one currency is the “solution” (EMU) and because of that Central European Bank has a full power over the economy and leads Europe into whatever path they desire and please. This is the age of Anti-Christ, and this planet is full of magic and Magic-symbols. We see them everywhere, but because we are used to seeing them we do not question it (ex. U.S $). They control and put themselves in charge of churches, to trap people and create conflicts between different belief systems. If you ever notice most wars throughout history are cause of by religious conflict. There are people who work for UN, UNICEF and charities, and sadly these people think they are serving god, but they are serving Satan. People are ignorant and never question or notice what is on the highest level. They are unwarned about whom they work for, unaware that up there; Satan exists and his worshipers. Be aware of them because they control society through occult, Satanism power, and mind control. They manipulate society by planting their own kind of reality in the minds of the innocent public, through media, Hollywood and music. The music teens listen to leads them into drug, violence and “robotism”. They use music for mind control. Don’t be fooled because these people call themselves enlightened and free thinkers. You are being manipulated by secret elite and you are kept from knowing the truth in order to keep you in Slavery. It was 5771 years ago Freemason origin was created, by the very idea of controlling the people on the behalf of the god-king. Over the years we’ve see the same elite-families who rules over the mass through by controlling money and resources. There are thirteen of them and here are their bloodlines;
The Astor Bloodline,The Bundy Bloodline,The Collins Bloodline,The DuPont Bloodline,The Freeman Bloodline,The Kennedy Bloodline,The Li Bloodline,The Onassis Bloodline,The Reynolds Bloodline,The Rockefeller Bloodline,The Rothschild Bloodline,The Russell Bloodline,The Van Duyn Bloodline
Anyone who opposes and threatens to expose them (even their own family: John F. Kennedy and actress Grace Kelly, Princess Diana) are killed, troubled and are threatened. Money is what holds the secret society together. The masons were the first to exist. Everyone who joins them will be gifted and are rewarded with knowledge, because knowledge gives them power over others. All of the founding fathers were Freemasons, George Washington, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson. They work for the commotion and distraction of law, government, and religion. Illuminati are outnumbered by billions of humans and so they are scared of this fact. So David Rockefeller, J.P Morgan, Bush family and some others gathered to create a plan to kill billions and take advantage of the fear to enslave others. This plan is an endless war called a “war on terror”. This plan is so evil even Rockefeller and Rothschild tried to take power away from David Rockefeller. This is plan is structure to trigger the world into thinking Muslims are terrorists, and it would be a good excuse to enter a war. This “war on Terror” is used to damage U.S reputation, economy and political system (this is happening as you read). 9/11 was of course an inside job, without any doubt. They’ve hired someone to carry out the job over (by plan) while bombing it below.
Important date: On May 01, 1776 the illuminati was officially recognized in America. (the statue of liberty was based on a prostitute on the altar of a flaming torch with her hand and it was a gift from France Government to the united states as a symbol of liberty )-Illuminati follow a pagan religion, and Christmas was based on pagan religion. – (don’t be fooled)They hate Christianity and these are the same people who killed Jesus (do not blame the Jews). There are concentrate in controlling 7 places. There are seven groups of Illuminati: Banking and money group,Secret society group,Political group,Intelligence group,Religious group,Education Group,Environmental group,Foundation nations of the new world order:America, England, Australia, China, Israel.